Комментарии по поводу Myers J.L., Well A.D. Research Design and Statistical Analysis: Psychology OnLine.Net

Myers J.L., Well A.D. Research Design and Statistical Analysis
Research Design and Statistical Analysis provides comprehensive coverage of the design principles and statistical concepts necessary to make sense of real data. The book’s goal is to provide a strong conceptual foundation to enable readers to generalize concepts to new research situations. Emphasis is placed on the underlying logic and assumptions of the analysis and what it tells the researcher, the limitations of the analysis, and the consequences of violating assumptions. Sampling, design efficiency, and statistical models are emphasized throughout. As per APA recommendations, emphasis is also placed on data exploration, effect size measures, confidence intervals, and using power analyses to determine sample size. "Real-world" data sets are used to illustrate data exploration, analysis, and interpretation. The book offers a rare blend of the underlying statistical assumptions, the consequences of their violations, and practical advice on dealing with them.

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