Научная психология
Все, что имеет отношение к фундаментальным и прикладным аспектам современной научной психологии и истории психологии. Научно-исследовательские институты, научные фонды и профессиональные объединения специалистов по психологии.
The Cognitive Science Network (CSN) is directed by Mark Turner. Turner is Institute Professor of Cognitive Science at Case Western Reserve University.
The Cognitive Science Society, Inc. brings together researchers from many fields who hold a common goal: understanding the nature of the human mind. The Society promotes scientific interchange among researchers in disciplines comprising the field of Cognitive Science, including Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, Anthropology, Psychology, Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Education.
Официальный сайт Европейской Ассоциации Экспериментальной Социальной Психологии (EAESP). На англ. языке.
A scholarly network for the discussion of all matters relating to the study of emotion in organizational settings. we also organize the emonet conference every 2 years.
ScienceDirect - the world's leading platform offers over 2,000 high quality peer-reviewed full-text journals and books on science, technology and medicine.
Website devoted to Dr. Eric Berne, author of Games People Play and originator of Transactional Analysis
A collection of recently published articles from subdisciplines of psychology covered by more than 90 APA journals. For additional free resources (such as article summaries, podcasts, and more), please visit the Highlights in Psychological Research page.
Статистика раздела
Записей: 65
простые: 65
Последняя запись добавлена: 12.12.2018
простые: 65
Последняя запись добавлена: 12.12.2018