Комментарии по поводу Elizabeth Spelke, William Hirst, & Ulric Neisser. Skills of divided attention: Psychology OnLine.Net

Elizabeth Spelke, William Hirst, & Ulric Neisser. Skills of divided attention
Two subjects read short stories while writing lists of words at dictation. After some weeks of practice, they were able to write words, discover relations arnong dictated words, and categorize words for meaning, while reading for comprehension at normal speed. The performance of these subjects is
not consistent with the notion that there are fixed limits to attentional capacity.

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улыбащееся лицо подмигивая смеясь круто одобрительно высунув язык приподняв брови смущенно потрясенно качая головой неодобрительно вращая глазами печально рассерженно

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